Disclaimer: The following is a collection
of thoughts from a Christian conservative who is white. This is a long post.
(UPDATE: You can now find that post here.)
But I was disappointed in Anomaly because, as Rembert Browne points out, “its primary theme isn’t Christianity.” Lecrae himself has said, “But Christian (sic) is my faith, not my genre.”
Although Lecrae
has been saying this for a while, this is the first time it really surfaced in
an album. From Real Talk to Gravity, his albums have always been full
of theological enrichment – something not typically heard on mainstream
Christian radio. As he
preached against the secular/sacred divide and how to engage culture, he
produced albums that were true to who he is: a new creation in Christ. The
words of Scripture just overflowed in his songs and his records were a great
edification to the church.
Then Anomaly comes along and the mood
changed. Theological overtones were traded in for a cultural commentary. And it’s
exactly what Lecrae wanted to do. Sure, there are Christian themes found in
bits and pieces along the way, but it’s a stark contrast to his older stuff.
Over time, he’s
gained great influence inside and outside Christian circles and, consequently, Anomaly reached #1 on the Billboard Top
200. It was the top album in the country. It was something no Christian album
has ever done and, arguably, still hasn’t. The record just doesn’t have an
appeal to Christianity and is much more divisive than anything else he’s done.
His change of
focus turned him into a clean rapper with values instead of a biblical
edifier. Regardless, Anomaly also
topped the Billboard gospel charts.
But, as I implied
in the introduction, this isn’t an end-of-year Christian music wrap-up. I bring
up Lecrae’s album only because it provides the perfect segue into the issues in
Ferguson, MO and the issue of racism in the church.
For example, in
the album’s second song, “Made in America,” Lecrae raps these words:
made in America // Momma told me that I belong here // Had to earn all the
stripes had to learn all rights had to fight for a home here // But I wouldn’t
know a thing about that // All I know is drugs and rap // I probably could have
been some kind of doctor // Instead of holdin’ guns and crack // I was born in
the mainland // Great-grandpa from a strange land // He was stripped away and
given bricks to lay // I guess you could say he a slave here // But I was made
in America // So I don’t know a thing about that // All I know is Uncle Sam
lookin’ for me working on his corner so I know I gotta pay tax
The song goes on
to portray different people’s views (a military veteran and an immigrant) on
our country, identifying problems along the way. Then the song stops. The next
one starts up. Problems are exposed and solutions are…well…not there. Instead
of preaching a message of hope found in the gospel, Lecrae rants and gives no
answers to the issues he brings up.
Instead of
providing principled truths about justice, righteousness, honor, love,
humility, etc., the rapper drops his microphone and walks away.
Lecrae brings up
another issue without solutions in the song “Dirty Water”:
I just dug a well
in West Africa // But how many of my friends is African, huh? // No habla Español,
just show me tu baño // Ain’t trynna get to know you, I’m too busy readin’
Daniel // Most segregated time of day is Sunday service // Now what you think
that say about the God you worship? ... // … Worthless, worthless, 400 years we
done heard that // My family came here on slave ships // Some herd cattle, some
herd blacks // Know some of y’all done heard that // My kin was treated less
than men // That’s why we raised to hate each other, cause we hate our skin //
Lies you told about yourself that you don’t realize // I must be a thief, she
locked the doors when I was walking by // They must be whores ‘cause the master
rapes them an leaves the child // So dead beat daddy was taught to me way
before my time
This Lecrae,
unlike the Lecrae of old, is preaching about racism yet does not talk about the
unity there is in Christ. Instead of preaching a truth like Galatians
3:26-28, he blames racial (and inter-racial) tension on slave owners that
lived in the 1800s and leaves it at that. It’s not exactly my cup of tea.
But you might be
reading this and completely disagree with me. You might be thinking that this
is exactly why there are protests all across America right now. Lecrae is
simply pointing out issues that have existed under the surface and have made
places like Ferguson a time bomb that has now exploded. He is being a prophetic
voice to a generation classified (and even defined) by demographics of race,
education, income, and the like.
Pointing out these
things might be commendable, but what is he doing about it? I know he has been
involved with the This Is Fatherhood
initiative and likely countless other efforts to reach out to the urban
community. But how is he currently using his biggest stage? He’s using it to
bring up subjects that require discussion and reason, but there is no
discussion and reason. He has changed his presentation as a Christian man with
Christian answers to a Christian man with cultural instigations.
So then there’s
Yesterday, Lecrae
made a statement on his Facebook page that you’ll see below.
This is certainly
what many black people are feeling across the country – Christian or otherwise.
“Justice and race” are issues that have been ignored and it has oppressed them.
They have suffered under the unfair leadership of people who will never
understand what it’s like to be a challenged minority. They’re angry.
As the Christian
conservative white male that I am, here are my immediate reactions to Lecrae’s
post and the rest of the Ferguson happenings.
I may
not know what it’s like to suffer as a black person, but most black people don’t
know what it’s like to always be viewed as an oppressor that never does enough
for others
incident that started everything in Ferguson is the main issue and the officer’s
actions have been declared justified by our judicial system
it’s implied that justice has not been served in this case, it’s communicated
that favoring minorities is more important than truth and righteousness
guess is that the vast majority of those protesting the Mike Brown case have not
read through the hundreds of pages of documents from the grand jury (I read
nearly 300 pages yesterday)
Brown was a grown man who committed a felony (assaulting a police officer) before
being neutralized; it's been found that he was not an innocent, unarmed “teenager,” but rather a
very dangerous criminal
country has never treated minorities more favorably than they do now
We all
exist under the same Constitution and have the same opportunities (though it
may be harder for some to realize the opportunities that exist)
breakdown of the black family is the biggest issue in that community
have made themselves their own community (as have other races to a certain
that white conservative men do will ever be enough
is how the Ferguson situation (and other race issues) is being viewed through
the eyes of people like me.
what doesn’t help is the solution bank coming out of the protests. Suggestions
to completely re-construct our justice system, walking across an interstate in
order to block traffic, and using this incident as an opportunity to let out
pinned-up rage through violence and robbery are all completely unhelpful
reactions. There has been very little acceptance of justice in the black
community and very few are looking to understand and reason with others. It’s
taken a huge turn for the worst.
This man's comment reflects the feelings of many whites. |
Christians, like Lecrae, who have been instigating discussions on racism even
before Ferguson are, for the most part, not helping. For example, Russell
Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern
Baptist Convention, just wrote this
article in which he states, “In the public arena, we ought to recognize that it is empirically
true that African-American men are more likely, by virtually every measure, to
be arrested, sentenced, executed, or murdered than their white peers.”
He eventually goes on to say, “We will need churches that reflect
the manifold wisdom of God (Eph. 3:10) in the joining together of those who may
have nothing else in common but the image of God, the blood of Christ, and the
unity of the Spirit.” And that’s totally true. But what's his point in mentioning
that blacks are more likely to be arrested?
Once again, through the lens of a Christian conservative white
Black men are more likely to have problems with the law because
they are more likely to not have fathers who were involved in their upbringing
Black men are more likely to have problems with the law because
many spend more time on the streets than the average man
Black men are more likely to have problems with the law because many
of them listen to music that glorifies a law-breaking lifestyle
Black men are more likely to have problems with the law because many
are more interested in the unity of the black community rather than Christian
Black men are more likely to have problems with the law because
the ones they look up to have likely had problems with the law also
Yet these issues don't get brought up in the article.
I don’t see a problem with the law, I see problems with the law-breakers. Does that make me racist? I’d certainly hope not!
I don’t see a problem with the law, I see problems with the law-breakers. Does that make me racist? I’d certainly hope not!
“ For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but
to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is
good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do
wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant
of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the
Romans 13:3-4
My primary
concern is not with the color of people’s skin, but rather the status of their
![]() |
Many protests have taken place since August 9, when Michael Brown was killed. |
But many
Christian minorities disagree with me, as they have been making the case about
a systematic failure on the part of the American church. Many say the church
doesn’t do enough to encourage multi-ethnic congregations. According to D.A. Horton,
“The way we move from our status quo is to;
proclaim the gospel and practice it’s (sic) implications by putting diversity
on display. I’m not advocating putting minorities on stage to be ‘eye-candy’
for the visiting minorities to see and identify with rather, I’m talking about
integrating credentialed and qualified minorities in decision-making leadership
This is a classic case of
putting the cart before the horse. He’s saying that diversity must happen in leadership
in order for a more gospel-like ethnicity to occur in the congregation. And
though he denies it in the quote, it is, in a way, an advocacy of minority “eye-candy.”
The answer is actually that the gospel must be proclaimed by
leadership of all colors, then people of all colors must submit to it, and finally,
church diversity occurs (if there was none to begin with).
We can’t fashion diversity
in the church and expect all of our problems to go away. People must gather
under the umbrella of the gospel, not under the umbrella of diversity. We’ll
reflect on our diversity once we’re all in Christ – until then we’re just
trying to rig the show.
I’ve been
heavily involved in four churches across two states in my Christian life. The
cumulative number of regular attenders among the four totals somewhere north of
400. Out of all of those people who regularly attended these gospel-preaching
Bible churches, only two were black.
Is it the
fault of those churches? Is it the fault of the blacks who didn’t come? Is it
even a fault?
I don’t know.
All I know is
that those churches faithfully proclaimed the Word, didn’t turn people away, and
loved the ones that came.
So putting it
all together, there’s Lecrae and the generic “We have race issues”
declarations, there’s the constant protesting we’re seeing right now across the
country due to a grand jury decision, and there’s the ever-present sore thumb
of religious segregation.
And what’s the
Correcting our
I love my
black friends (yes, I have some) and I don’t think of them as being much
different than me. For the most part, we were raised not knowing the gospel,
came to know the Lord, and now look to serve Him faithfully. Generally
speaking, we have similar stories when it comes to our spiritual background.
I don’t feel
the need to talk to them about race or hot-button racial issues, though. I
already enjoy them, I don’t need to try to figure out how I can be friends with
more of them. That’s not my focus.
My focus is to
love Jesus and His people. When that happens, I get to be friends with all
kinds of people – white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and all other ethnicities. We’re
all uniquely gifted and have different cultural insight; God knows that and
uses that. When we come together, we can do awesome things for the kingdom and
spread the gospel message to places unreached. That’s our collective focus.
We don’t need
to be focused on the color of people’s skin; we need to be focused on the
status of their hearts. We need to want to see people know Christ. And when we
do that, He’ll bring about diversity.
Great stuff Jeremy.